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DevOps and DataPipelines at Scale with Kubernetes
Scale your streaming data pipelines efficiently with Kubernetes
How to Operate Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines at Scale
DevOps CI/CD Explained in 100 Seconds
Best practices for scaling DevOps across sites
Scale 16x: A DevOps State of Mind: Continuous Security with Kubernetes
Airflow on Kubernetes - Scaling DAG Workflows | Daniel Imberman, Seth Edwards @ PyBay2018
Nicola Ferraro - Extending DevOps to Big Data Applications with Kubernetes
Machine Learning Made Easy on Kubernetes. DevOps for Data Scientists - Brian Redmond, Microsoft
Processing 2000 TBs per day of network data at Netflix with Spark and Airflow
Kubernetes: The Cornerstone of Modern Data Engineering
What is Data Pipeline? | Why Is It So Popular?